On the frontiers of freedom

Click on the thumbnails below to view the contents of the Ebooks

Val d'Aran - Alta Ribagorça: Main refugee entry routes...
Col de Gireta: One of the most popular escape routes...
Col de Salau: Epicenter of communications between Ariège and Pallars Sobira...
Col de Tavascan : One of the escape routes from the French department of Ariège...
Col de Cabús: One of the main mountain passes linking Vallferrera to the Principality of Andorra...
Col de Pimés: Main route for refugees from the Principality of Andorra...
Col de Perafita: Hundreds of illegal immigrants from the Principality of Andorra headed for Barcelona...

Country tips - Tourism offices - Diputacio de Leida

This memorial booklet is the synthesis of a project initiated by the Société des Membres de la Légion d'Honneur des Hautrs-Pyrénées to pay tribute to the "smugglers and escapees from this department during the Second World War" in connection with republican values.

Jeannie Cames and Christel Plechot

The information gathered by students at Argelès-Gazost secondary school about Henri Cazaux's escape route from his home to the Spanish border is presented in this final section, with photographs, maps and hiking data sheets.

Jeannie Cames and Thomas Ferrer

Among the many fronts of the Second World War, whether combat zones or home fronts, the Pyrenees are not among the lines of force usually cited or studied. Yet this natural barrier, which has gradually become a real frontier since the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659, was a particularly strategic area between 1939 and 1945. During this period, most of the major players in the Allied camp tried to smuggle information and agents through it.

Thomas Ferrer

The clandestine escape from France over the Pyrenees, between France and Spain, is a unique phenomenon in the history of the Second World War, and perhaps in all of history. And yet, those who lived through this perilous adventure have always felt left out of the collective memory. It's as if a misfortune of memory has pursued them. I'm proud to have devoted the first comprehensive study to this little-known page of history in my book Aux frontières de la liberté. Other very interesting studies have shed light on aspects of the Pyrenean passage...

© Robert Belot

My name is Josette. A long time ago, on foot, with my parents and other people. I was a little girl. It was wartime and we wanted to live without being in danger. We escaped. It was cold...

Communauté de communes Pyrénées Hautes Garonnaises

The Allied pilots' escape route
Hundreds of Resistance fighters organize the largest escape network of the Second World War.